Thursday, October 30, 2008

I failed the test..

Well! Well! Well! Let me first confess that I failed the first test after Ramadan L (read the last paragraph of my previous posting). Hope you passed the test.. I missed it with only one day, I finished fasting five days at the beginning of the month then I don’t know what happened I started to procrastinate and before I know it Shawaal was approaching its end. I was hoping it would be a 30-day month so I am fasting today Alhamdulillah but today is 1st Du EL-Qeida. Inshallah Allah will accept my fasting and yours.
It’s very important to have sincere strong intentions regarding worship be it fasting, Haj, or anything else. It helps a lot in accomplishing the goal and on top of that prayers (Dua’a); scholars always tell us to pray to Allah persistently to help us in our worship acts. May Allah grant us Haj this year and help stay focused on the right path and protect us from Satan and from going astray. Ameen
Remember Quran is a cure to our heart and body.. it is the miracle of miracles .. O Allah help us learn the Quran and remember what we forgot of it.