I just finished my first exam in my masters program. This was a mid-semester exam and what can I say? I look forward to the day when a genius scientist will stand up and say exams are not good for human beings health or they are not appropriate measurement of students' performance so stop them. Bottom line is that this was not my best exam. I mean when an exam is two hours long and you hardly manage to finish just 5 or 3 minutes from time then you know it was not good. Anyway am not gonna cry over spilt milk. Its past so to hell with it. But seriously is there any other invention to substitute exams I mean they just stress you and mess your mood for no good reason. Oh ya I forgot to say this; you know its my first exam here in this university and I did not know what to expect but as much as the exam shocked me something else also did. The way it was conducted. We had an invigilator (last time i heard this word was in high school). The invigilator was actually not the lecturer but a real invigilator and we had to put our bags and cellphones at the front of the class. Man are we in primary school or what. I thought by now we know how to do exams and abide by the universal rules we were tought for years.
Give me a break.
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