Ok now that I made it to one of the fastest growing cities if not the fastest in the World; I am proud that I made it here. Not just because am in Dubai but for starting my masters degree that I really wanted to do for the last three years or so. I was a little bit skeptical at the beginning about the standard and reputation of this university (Wollongong University
http://www.uowd.ac.ae/) and I was actually hesitant before coming here but it is a nice university with very good reputation. I must say I was impressed and my expectations well met if only we did not have to do exams :(
Dubai however, I am not sure about it. We can spend hours and books writing about the good things here but I feel there is something missing. I do not know what is missing but off lately I have been thinking about it and may be Dubai is still in the process of being made and it did not mature yet. So it is going through this painful process of growing up. Just think about the cycle of a product as it gets launched then it grows till reaching market maturity and then either stays up there or fall. Hopefully Dubai will stay up there! I guess it would if plans are implemented wisely.
On a different issue; did you hear the news lately from Turkey? Muslim girls can wear the scarf (hijab) in university now. Wow great! this is ridiculous. If we ignore the fact that the population of Turkey is predominantly Muslim can we ignore that noble value of freedom? Freedom of expression, freedom of the press, freedom of political choice, lub lub lub we hear these a lot from some big mouths mostly in the West when it can be used against nations in the middle east and north Africa. I don’t know why we did not hear any of it about the Turkish issue. I mean why can’t a young educated lady have the freedom of choice? It has been said millions of times that Hijab for Muslim girls is not just a symbol or fashion. It is mandatory for our Muslim sisters to dress modestly according to a clear code addressed very clearly in the holy Qur'an. What on earth is wrong with that?
Anyway I guess Turkey has been trying hard to join the European Union and therefore, has to meet certain standards because the EU will not allow a non "democratic" country to join. Plus other things like economic reform, secularism, etc. I dunno what’s the world is coming to. Instead of promoting coexistence we are fueling and starting conflicts for no reason.