The email starts with a few photos of children in military attire marching or holding toy machine guns or wrapped with a false suicide explosive belt. It comments that Hamas is training kids aged 4 -9 to conquer Israel and kill Jews. I wonder if conquer is the right word? How can Palestinians conquer Israel while Israel is an occupier. Where is Israel that Hamas can conquer? Israel is built on occupied Palestinian lands and you can ask history to explain to you. It has been made clear over and over again by Palestinians and Muslim leaders that the fight is against Zionist Israel who hijacked the Jews faith and not against Jews. By the way there are many Jews living in Arab countries today. I think it is normal and important for Palestinians to teach their children who their historic enemy is and prepare them to face the bitter reality they will face as they grow up because Israel proved over the years that it does not differentiate between children and militants in its aggression.

Then the email mentions that Arabs do live in peace with Jews in Israel! Yes Arabs and Jews live together in occupied Palestine in cities like Jerusalem and Arabs are treated as second class citizens. it is ironic that the natives of the land are treated as second class citizens.
Then it gets serious and talk about living in Israel under fire from Hamas. It says "Today 13 rockets fell in the south as of 4PM our time here as the sun is going down. One missile directly hit a home in Ashkelon as the family ran for the bomb shelter" every time Israel talks about being a victim they mention how many rockets hit them but they never say how many civilians killed you know why? because basically there are mostly no fatalities in such attacks because the rockets are primitive and not guided. I am not saying Hamas should kill Israeli civilians as no sane person would like to see children or women of any race being targeted in wars. But I would ask how many civilians in Israel were killed by such rockets over time since the rockets were invented? you get the figures and compare them only to civilians killed by Israel over the past two weeks and you will be shocked.

The email says that Israel has been under threat of these rockets for six years now horrifying its citizens in the south but it does not say for how long the Palestinians have being terrorized, killed, and made homeless by Israel (since 1967 or is it 1948?).
Then the email gets funny when it says we must understand who Hamas is "You must understand who Hamas is. Unlike a normal army which plays by the rules, Hamas which has always been a terrorist organization". First of all Hamas is a political party with a military wing resisting the occupation. The funny part is talking about Hamas as an army that plays without rules. So are you by any chance suggesting that Israel plays by the rules? Hell no. Israel in every war be it in Palestine or Lebanon violate international law and has no respect whatsoever for war morals. It has no morals nor ethic codes for it army and this is proven many times. It intentionally targets UN installations, children, women, and infrastructure. Remember Qana UN camp in Lebanon 1996, the killings and destruction in Lebanon 2006, and the current crisis in Gaza. More than 40% killed in Gaza over the past two weeks are children and women. Israel uses internationally banned bombs such as using white phosphorus bombs that burn the flesh of humanbeings in Gaza. Israel never implements any of the UN security council resolutions and whenever the UN issues just a statement to condemn Israel then what happens? Israel immediately bombs UN installations and a good example a few days ago after the UN resolution Israel bombed a UN school and aid convoy in Gaza. Israel says Hamas hides within civilians. Well we should know that Gaza strip is one of the most densely populated areas in the world. It is basically a big prison that has been under complete siege by Israel for about three years. Where do you expect Gaza people to go or hide? Israel with all its mighty power and intelligence is unable to locate and destroy Hamas so they instead target houses killing whole families and mosques and schools sheltering civilians. Did you know that Israel more than once in the past two weeks gathered people including women and children in single buildings and kept them there for days without supplies telling them it is safer and then they bombed them killing tens and leaving the rest under rubble not allowing rescue teams to reach them? Are these the morals and rules of war? Just like Israel failed miserably against Hizbullah in Lebanon in 2006 they will fail again in Gaza because they never learn the lesson. Hizbullah is much stronger today than it was two years ago and Israelis know this very well so God willing Hamas and other resistance movements in Palestine will emerge stronger after this aggression.
The email mentions that the media does not report everything. Well yes thats very true you know why? Because Israel "the democratic state" bans all media local and international from entering Gaza or reporting on military operations. They thought they could hide their ugly immoral acts in Gaza but luckily a few journalists were already in Gaza before the start of the barbaric attack on Gaza.
Do you know what Israel teaches its children? In this photo Israeli children sign on bombs used to kill other children and civilians in Lebanon 2006.

These killings must stop now before later. Those who support Israel blindly need to wake up and act on their moral responsibility. History will not forget nor forgive. We owe the children of Gaza.
War ethics in Islam are clearly laid down by Allah in the Quran and by Prophet Mohammed peace be upon him as well as the Muslim leaders after the Prophet. To learn about war morals and ethics turn no further than Islam. Here is a summary of some of the rules please copy this link to your browser: http://www.islamonline.net/servlet/Satellite?pagename=IslamOnline-English-Ask_Scholar/FatwaE/FatwaE&cid=1119503545840
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